Way Back When-sday Hodgepodge


Happy Spring! If you would like to link up click on the button below and head over to Joyce’s. You can also see what others have to say!

1. Has spring sprung in your little corner of the world? Other than the calendar how would I know? What’s your favorite thing about spring?

We’ve got nothing going on at our house but as I was leaving my Bible study at church last week I saw this!!

It’s coming!!!

My favorite thing about spring is the flowering trees. They are beautiful and they also mean that the long, cold Michigan winter is OVER!!!!!!!

2. Besides the weather, what’s put a spring in your step recently?

I got my hairs cut last weekend when Mrs. Schmenkman was here, that always makes me feel springy!!!

3. How does Easter impact you?

I remember my friend NanC always saying that we as Christians should make a bigger deal of Easter than Christmas! She is right.

Central to our faith is the fact that Jesus willingly went to the cross and had all the sins of the world poured on Him. Mine included. He took our place and that is still something that is hard to get my head around. There had to be payment for our sins, and He paid it.

The celebration of Jesus rising from the grave after the crucifixion shows us that death has been defeated, our debt is cancelled, we can have new life in Him.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” — Jesus Christ – John 11:25, 26

“The resurrection of Jesus changes the face of death for all His people. Death is no longer a prison, but a passage into God’s presence. Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.” — Clarence W. Hall

“You Alone Can Rescue”

Who, oh Lord, could save themselves,
Their own soul could heal?
Our shame was deeper than the sea
Your grace is deeper still

You alone can rescue, You alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
You came down to find us, led us out of death
To You alone belongs the highest praise

You, oh Lord, have made a way
The great divide You heal
For when our hearts were far away
Your love went further still
Yes, your love goes further still

You alone can rescue, You alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
You came down to find us, led us out of death
To You alone belongs the highest praise

Matt Redman

I have been impacted. Thank you Lord!!!!!!!

4. I saw this somewhere on Facebook and thought it would make a fun Hodgepodge question. Which of the following would you find most disappointing…

a just stuffed taco shell breaking open and spilling out before you take the first bite? dropping a just-purchased Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts coffee? opening the peanut butter jar and finding it empty? upending onto the sidewalk a just-purchased ice cream cone? a burnt bagel popping up in your toaster when you’re rushing breakfast? or cutting into an avocado and finding out it’s rotten?

The most disappointing would be the burnt bagel when you are in a hurry. The saddest would be the lost ice cream cone.

5. What’s something held together with tape at your house? Or a paper clip? Or a wing and a prayer?

Sometimes this is a very common thing at our house! Honey is really good at keeping things working until they can be replaced but I can’t think of anything at the moment.

Oh, just thought of one, a few months ago he fixed something in my car with a zip tie, I guess that will do.

6. Do you feel underappreciated? In what way?

I have felt underappreciated at times in my life but it is not a regular thing. When I feel that way I try and ask myself why I am doing something in the first place. If I am doing the right thing for the right reasons, I shouldn’t have to hear someone’s appreciation of my efforts. Of course it’s nice, but it’s not essential. God sees.

Now if someone was taking advantage? That might be another story.

7. What’s something you’d build if you knew how?

I have been trying to get Honey to build something that could clean off the wheels of Abby’s wheelchair before she came into the house. I keep trying to convince him that it could be his million dollar, great idea!!!!
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Let’s go alllll the Way Back to 1989, The Ab-Cat’s first Easter! She was one month and one day old! Here she is wearing the little yellow dress her Grandma bought her, lying on a white blanket crocheted by her Great Grandma Georgia!

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It was her first Sunday in church and she was an angel baby!

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A special bonus; Uncle Beeve was home on leave from the Marines for Easter! Semper Fi.

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Thanks for stopping by. Happy Spring, Blessed Easter!

7 responses »

  1. Such sweet Easter pictures! I liked your answer to the appreciation question. I recently had a talk with myself as I was feeling a lot of resentment about something I kind of got talked into doing for an extended family member, and I was feeling unappreciated there. I needed to remind myself why I’d agreed in the first place, and that definitely put things in perspective. Happy Easter to you and your family!


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