Thanksgiving Day


We had a quiet, small holiday. Honey had a hankering for lasagna and that’s what we had. Just the Girls and The Usher and Pinky in attendance. Papa kept busy showing his little gal her favorite video of Old McDonald. If there is too much Ei, Ei, OOOOO, we have not discovered it yet. She will bring him his phone and glasses, back up into his lap saying Ei, Ei, Oooo.

Also many books read, because Pinky is a reader! She was unfortunately coming down with something and had spent quite a bit of time coughing and having her nose wiped, and those are unpopular activities.

Our Dear Friends The Hostler’s came over for dessert, and their daughter Nurse Lauren was in town with her family! Their precious little granddaughter, Ju-Beanie, was absolutely vibrating with excitement when she saw our KITTIES!! I think she and Pinky would have liked to interact, but by this time Pinky had a fever and we thought it best to keep them apart 😦

Mousey and Usher had already taken her home by the time we had our annual photo shoot.

Here’s one from this past summer when they were in, minus Miss Baby, who had already gone to bed!

Thankful for holidays and long time family friends to share them with! ❤

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